Vintage Photo Friday
Alonzo Bryson, Jul 23, 1840 - Feb 29, 1920, and his wife, Valeria Wright Bryson, May 21, 1839 - ????. I found the pictures at the Upper Mississippi Valley Digital Image Archive when I was idly Googling for Alonzo Bryson one day.
I was hoping to find information on a different Alonzo, the father of Dow Gilbert, but didn't mind getting distracted with this photo of his identically named cousin.
Here's the thing that makes my head hurt, though:
Isaac Bryson (b 1771) married Jane Carr (b 1775). They had 16 children (that we know about.) One of their sons was named after his father. Isaac, Jr. (b 1816) grew up and married a girl named ... (wait for it) ... Jane Kerr (b 1817).*
You can imagine that with 16 children (that we know about) Isaac-n-Jane the First had an absolute ton of descendents. The family was very fond of certain names, which means that I have to wade through dozens of Alonzos, Isaacs, Isabelles, James, Charles's, Pearls, Margarets, Janes, Johns, Williams, Priscillas, and Valerias, trying to track down which is who. They're not as bad as the Kanatzers, however (another family line), who were absolutely obsessive about the name Elizabeth (oops - have I complained about that before on here?)
To see other vintage photos check out Paper Dolls for Boys.
*It reminds me of a family I knew, three brothers and a sister. Two of the brothers married girls named Emily**. Their sister's name was also Emily. Now there's a family that's going to give some poor future genealogist a nervous breakdown!
**The name has been changed, although I would guess if any of them read this they'll recognize themselves.
Friday, July 10, 2009
Extended Family,
Amazing portraits.
I can see how the names are a pain to research but what an interesting family story.
My husband's family has a fondness for using some names over and over. The girls got off pretty easy, with Elizabeth, Holly & Alice being the main ones. But on the boys side there is Alanson & Birdsell (also spelled Birdsall). They also used Parker & Forrest a lot and that's not so bad.
My aunt married a David, and her oldest brother is also named David. We call them David A & David B, because their last names start with those initials, but that's not the order they joined the family in.
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