Where Do You Go To Buy Coal, Anyway?
Around the beginning of November Oldest Girl Child and Youngest Girl Child walked up to me in the kitchen, wearing I-have-something-important-to-say expressions.
"Mommy," said OGC, "It's about time we start ..."
She paused, looking for the right words. YGC helped out with a conspiratorial, "You knooooow ..."
I thought rapidly. "Being good for Santa?" I contributed.
There were eager nods and grins. I laughed.
"I have a hunch," I told them, "that Santa looks at your behavior the whole year, not just right before Christmas."
The eager faces suddenly looked nervous.
Now, only a few days from Christmas, I am ready to pull my hair out. Forget the rest of the year. They can't even be good for five minutes at a time this close to Christmas!
I am dreading Christmas vacation. Why, oh why, do the stupid schools have to shut down for two weeks?
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