Math Problems

1. I have five dirty bowls sitting in my dishwasher. There are no bowls in the cupboard where the bowls are stored. The set contains eight bowls. How many bowls are missing?

2. There are five people in our family. When we set the table for dinner there are only three clean tablespoons. All the dirty spoons in the dishwasher are teaspoons. How much will it cost me to buy 8 new settings of flatware that all match?

3. I discover a small pink plastic cup under the couch and a large blue plastic cup in the side yard. The blue cup is plastered with dirt. How many pink cups will it take to fill up the blue cup with fruit juice?

4. There is a large white plate with a chip in the edge in the Boy's lair in the basement. A fork is balanced on the edge of the plate. Something red* is crusted on the plate and fork. How long will it take him to bring the plate upstairs on his own? How many hours will I need to soak the plate to soften the red substance?

* Spaghetti sauce?