Funny Things My Kids Have Said #2568

The context: Watching a movie that featured a scene of the first Christmas.

Oldest Girl Child: That's Mary. Like Mary had a little lamb.

Mommy: Different Mary.

OGC: Oh.


The context: While looking at Mommy's scriptures, during Sacrament.

YGC: Is every page important?

Mommy: Yes, dear.

YGC: (Spots a highlighted verse) Look! Someone colored!


The context: Storytime at the library during a preschool fieldtrip.

The Librarian: ...because he didn't want to get just underwear and socks like last Christmas! (Turns to children) You don't want to get underwear and socks for Christmas either, do you?

YGC: I don't wear underwear!

And all the mothers in the room laughed hysterically while Mommy blushed bright red and tried to think of a way to tactfully rebut her daughter.


Cannwin said...

Context: Daughter at library story time days after reading the Wolf's version of the Three Little Pigs (he was just trying to ask for sugar)

Librarian: And the wolf knocked on the second little pigs house... what do you think he wanted with that pig?

Daughter: Sugar!!!

Room goes silent everyone looks over at her and laughs (since no one had a clue about context) and she bursts into tears.

Jennifer said...

Oh, poor little kiddo! That's so funny, though. :)