It's always easy until you try it.
It hit me last night, that we (as in the parental units) have gotten sucked into a routine every night at dinner.
1) We all sit down to dinner
2) Youngest Girl Child looks at what dinner is and announces, "I don't like that!"
3) The Parental Units try several strategies: a) Ignoring her; b) Telling her she has to have one No Thank You bite; c) Bargaining that if she will have just one tiny nibble of dinner, just the minutest portion, barely an atom on the tip of her fork, then she can leave the dinner table and watch some TV before bed
4) Half an hour after dinner YGC says that she is hungry and heads to the kitchen for a snack.*
Wow. This is so incredibly not good. And it just snuck up on us, too. It's kind of funny. This is one of those situations that before I had children, I would have said I would never do. Though, honestly, I usually don't do things like this. At least I don't think I do. Of course, now I'm wondering what else I haven't noticed I'm doing.
It's amazing how much harder parenting gets once you have actual children around!
*In my defense, I'd like to point out that the snacks she eats are usually pretty healthy: apples, carrots, celery, whole grain bread, string cheese.
Tuesday, December 02, 2008
Daily Life,
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