I find it way too easy to get out of the habit of blogging.
So, what's up with us?
- A major windstorm blew the screen door off our back door and knocked over our mailbox.
- I dug a new hole for the mailbox and put it back up. It has not yet fallen down (yay!) but needs more work done to make it completely stable.*
- Valentine's Day resulted in humongous amounts of candy - and that was just the loot from Oldest Girl Child's school party.
- Youngest Girl Child's preschool was canceled because of the windstorm. Her Valentine's Day party was rescheduled for this week, which will mean another load of candy coming home.
- A birthday party on Saturday upped the calorie count even more.
- We had a playdate with one of OGC's friends from school, today. We met at Burger King because the friend's mother wanted to meet me before letting her child come over here. Everything went well until the very end, when another set of children came in and started throwing ice and food around. We decided it was a good time to leave.
I'll try to think of something more entertaining to blog about tomorrow.
*It needs a deeper hole to put the post in, but that is going to take better tools than I currently have. We have about an inch and a half of topsoil in our lawn, then several more inches of a loose gravel and soil mixture, then very hard-packed chunks of rock that are absolutely impossible to get through, even trying to pry them up with my bare hands.
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