May Flowers (And Vegetables)
My peas are finally growing, and so is the lettuce. I don't know what's happened to the corn. There is no sign of it. I'm going to replant and see if I can get it to sprout this time.
I have some tomato and pepper plants that I bought at the local nursery. It wasn't until after I paid for them that the nursery owner warned me not to plant them that day; it was supposed to get below freezing that night, and she hadn't hardened them off at all yet.So they are still in their black plastic, way overdue to be planted because it has been raining and chilly and I have just not felt like doing anything about it. I also have some cilantro and a rosemary plant to get in the ground. It's taken me awhile there because I have been agonizing about where to put my new herb garden.
The strawberry plants are blossoming very prettily, and the blueberry bushes are covered with white flowers. The ones that survived the winter. One of them is dead. Drat.
The flower seeds I bought through Oldest Girl Child's school fundraiser never sprouted, either. Did I buy bad corn and flower seed, or am I just bad at gardening? I think I am just bad at gardening. No problems, though, because I went and bought some petunia and dianthus plants and put them in the new flower bed around the tree.
I adore dianthus. I think they are just the prettiest flowers, right up there with daisies. Daylilies complete my favorites. The old-fashioned orange daylilies, the kind that grow wild in ditches. Although I am also rather fond of the Blackberry lilies a friend gave me a few years ago. They are in a segregated bed, since they tend to take over, she told me.
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