Vintage Photo Friday

One of the things that I really enjoy in doing genealogy is finding out things we didn't know. Like this lady, Fannye Lupkin. We had no idea that great-aunt Fannye had been a beauty queen until I ran across this old newspaper photo online*.

It turns out that 18 year old Fannye was the 1924 Queen of the Arkansas State Fair, and Miss Arkansas at the American Legion National Convention in St. Paul, Minnesota.

You can't really tell just what she looked like, from this clipping ('Humph!' said the Camel) so here is a better photo from a few years later.

I can see her as a beauty queen.

To see other vintage photos check out Paper Dolls for Boys.

*From the Iowa City Press-Citizen. Caption reads: BEAUTY QUEEN OF ARKANSAS - Miss Fannie Lupkin of Helena, Arkansas has been selected by Florenz Ziegfield, Jr. as Queen of Arkansas State Fair. She acted as "Miss Arkansas" at American Legion National Convention in St. Paul, Minn. (Int'l Newsreel)