Vintage Photo Friday

This is my mother-in-law's class photo, probably taken around 1944. She's the little girl in the front row with the black pinafore. She grew up to be a strikingly beautiful woman, as you can see in this prom photo from 1952 or '53. She's the dark-haired girl in the middle of the picture.

To see other vintage photos check out Paper Dolls for Boys.


Ellen Bloom said...

Those are pretty sexy prom dresses for the early 50's!! Wow!

Natalie said...

You could tell she was going to be a beaute from a young age. Gorgeous.

My favorite kid in the class photo is the scowly blonde boy with his arms crossed in the back row. Maybe he got in trouble right before the picture was taken.

great photos.

Donna said...

Love the pictues!