Vintage Photo Friday

OK - time to jump back into Vintage Photo Fridays!

These old school photos are all of my mother-in-law. The Kilgore referred to is Kilgore, Texas. Later on she became a Kilgore Rangerette, which my husband informs me is a Big Deal and Very Impressive.

Genetics crops up again, here. In the first two photos I can really see the resemblance to Youngest Girl Child, but in the two later photos she reminds me of Oldest Girl Child. I see my husband and The Boy Child in the two youngest photos, too.

It's most striking in the first and last photos - '42/'43 and '47/'48. I've seen that exact same expression on YGC's face ('42/'43). In the last photo, it's the way she's looking at the camera. She smiles like her oldest granddaughter and has a look in her eyes that I've seen in OGC's eyes.

To see other vintage photos check out Paper Dolls for Boys.


Cari Hislop said...

Your MiL was lovely (or is lovely if she's still alive) but oddly (and I suspect you're going to disagree with me on this but I swear its true) I thought that lower left hand picture was you!!! That is your exact face shape, though your lips and nose are slightly different. But you're both lovely and now I'm thinking your husband fell in love with someone who looked like his mother! Now that's compliment to his mother and to you!!! :)

My husband's mother was technically far better looking than me. My husband sort of looks like his mother except he's bald and a man. My husband has an oval face and I a heartshape and we both have non chins and delicate we look like each other. We're like those celebrity couples who marry their look-a-like except without the celebrity bit or money...minor details. :)