6 Quirky Things About Me

I have been tagged, so here is my list!

1. I can take a conversation 17 different directions before getting back to my original point. More often than not a conversation with me is punctuated with at least one person saying, "How did we get on this subject anyway?" From point A to D to W to J to ...

2. I "lose" nouns. I'll be in the middle of a sentence and all of a sudden can't retrieve the word I wanted to use. I wind up having to describe the object I'm talking about because I usually can't remember the word until I hear someone else say it. "The thing, umm, the thing that's, umm, round, and orange, and ..." "You mean an orange?" "No, no, you bounce it, and there's black lines on it ..." "A basketball?" "Yes! That's the word! Thank you!" This only happens to me when I'm talking, never when I'm writing.

3. When I get interested in something new, that's all I'm interested in for at least several days and up to months. I have to make a real effort to get myself to do anything unrelated to my current obsession, and every spare minute I have I spend on it. When I lose interest, it's usually complete. I can go months and never think about my old hobby. Some things are cyclic for me - puzzles and word games are a good example of that. I'll do puzzles for a couple of months and then I'll spend the next several months with half-completed puzzle magazines lying around my bedside table drawer, meaning to get back to them, but not really interested.

4. I play with my hair as I'm falling asleep. It relaxes me.

5. I cannot get a snail mail letter into a mailbox. I will write a letter, put it in an envelope, address and stamp it - and then it languishes forever, never actually leaving the house. I don't know why I do this.

6. My husband reminds me that I tend to put things down on the nearest surface while distracted, then wander around in confusion, asking, "Did anyone see where I put my book? I can't find my book."


Cannwin said...

lol, I'm #1-3 all the way. oh and #6, the other day I wandered around the house in utter frustration shouting 'Has anyone seen my glasses?' until Elise in exasperation announced (loudly) 'They're in your cleavage woman!'

She has quite a way with words. ;)