Only Crazy People Fall in Love With Me

So I was going to write this post about blogging publicly about private things and why people might choose to present a totally unreal and fluffy-perfect image of their family...*

...and then I followed a link to this blog and now I am so nervous about sounding anything like this self-absorbed that I feel totally inhibited. Bye-bye Muse!! I'll see you later. Maybe in a few years?

No, she's not serious. She's making fun of a particular subset of LDS thinking. I actually used to have a roommate frighteningly like this. She was busily collecting every Disney movie she could get her hands on, having somehow gotten a bee in her bonnet that Disney was an essential step on the way to salvation.**

Which reminds me of another roommate, who quit her job when she got engaged because she was just toooo busy getting ready for the wedding.

And then there was the roommate who went to pieces when she turned 19 because she'd never been proposed to yet. She didn't have anyone she wanted to marry, and no particular desire to get married yet, she just wanted a proposal or dozen. Turning 19 without a single scalp, umm, proposal put her into old maid territory, fer shurr.

Which all just goes to show that there are crazy people everywhere. Also, I appear to have had very poor judgment in the matter of roommates back then.

*Inspired by this post at Mormon Mommy Wars.

**Put down the flame-throwers! Mormons do NOT believe this. That's why I used it as an example of how absolutely insane she was.