Hello! It's Your Mother! Hello?

Sacrament meeting is a frustrating, wiggly time for our family. Especially for the smallest members. Especially while the sacrament is being passed. It's OK to draw and color, or play quietly with non-noisy toys before and after the sacrament being passed, but not during.*

Generally, what I advise my kids to do during the passing of the sacrament is to think about Jesus and all the nice things he did for us. This last week, however, my littlest responded to my whispered admonishment to "think about Jesus" with her own whisper. "Why is Jesus important, Mommy?"

(No, really. We have talked about that before. I promise.)

It seemed a good topic for family home evening, so that was our lesson the next evening. "Why Jesus is Important" It turned out to be desperately needed, as we discovered when we asked Oldest Girl Child why she thought Jesus was important.

She thought for a moment, face screwed up with concentration and then answered, "Because he makes it rain?"

(Really. I talk about this all the time with them. Obviously NO-ONE HAS BEEN LISTENING!)

Things that are not OK during sacrament meeting:

  • Climbing over the pews
  • Lying on the floor underneath the pew
  • Leaning over the pew to talk with friends behind us
  • Kicking the back of the pew in front of us
  • Escaping to the aisle so we have more room to spread out with our coloring books
  • Somersaults
  • Handstands