Family, Food, and General Rambling

Must. Blog. Regularly.


It's easy to think of things to write when the kids are being cute, but what do I write about when I want to run away screaming from my family - or start screaming AT my family?

Not that I have anything to complain about. I have a whole house to feel crazy in. I can go shut myself in my bedroom when I feel the walls of my self-control starting to splinter.* My poor sister has been cooped up with three small children in a hotel room for days now. I'd be flat out raving at this point. She's a much better woman than me.

My dad is doing a layover at an airport near us, so we'll be going to see him for an hour and a half. The kids are very excited to see their grandpa. The poor things haven't ever had a chance to get to know their grandparents, aunts and uncles, and cousins very well. We live so far away from the rest of the family that they've only see my parents twice, and most of the rest of the family once. We flew back home for a family reunion last year, which was great, and were planning to do the same thing this year. Then gas went through the roof and so did food costs and plane ticket prices and everything else.

*sigh* I miss my family.

I get to see my dad, though, so that should be nice! Now if I could just find a way to see my mother, my sisters, and my brothers. Also all my nieces and nephews.

I spent three hours shopping for school things yesterday, children in tow. Amazingly they didn't whine much at all. I think it's because it was far too riveting to get to buy so many things all for them. Shoes, socks, underclothes, backpacks, pencils, paper... We also went to McDonald's, which I loathe, but they have one right there in Walmart, and the kids were complaining about being hungry and I was tired.

Not that they turned out to be as hungry as they claimed. They played with the Happy Meal toys until I ordered them to pay attention to their food. Yes, mine are the children that have to be ordered to eat french fries and hamburgers. You may have noticed them - they're the ones jumping up and down and squealing with delight when I put a frozen package of brussels sprouts in the shopping cart.

They're weird, but I love that about them.

*On really bad days I go in the master bedroom, shut the door, then go in the master bathroom and shut and lock the door. It doesn't stop my children from lying on the floor and sticking their fingers under the bathroom door, but it does stop me from hurting them.