Brilliant Ideas Take 2

We finished off the last of the pie the other night, except for Youngest Girl Child's last piece of pumpkin pie. She didn't want to eat it right then, but she was worried that someone else might see it, assume it was unclaimed, and eat it before she got back to it.*

Not sure what to do about this dire possibility, she and Oldest Girl Child put their heads together and came up with what seemed like a sure-fire solution. They put it on a plate and hid it.

Unfortunately, they hid it in the cupboard next to the sink, the one where I store my big mixing bowls and empty storage containers.

They told me about their brilliant idea late in the afternoon yesterday, when the pie had been in there about 24 hours. I quickly retrieved it only to find that (as I had feared) the lack of refrigeration had not done it any good. As YGC said, "Look, Mommy! It's fluffy!"

Yes, it was. Very fluffy indeed.

*This is not an unwarranted fear. It has happened before.


Cannwin said...

lol, that sounds like my pumpkin pie! Robert left it out and now it's got a holiday green to it!