The answers are no, never, and not on your life.

(I was going to comment on my sister's blog, but it started getting long, so I just decided to put it over here.)

Where, Cannwin asks, does her daughter get the long list of name-brand items she is asking Santa for, for Christmas? After all, she points out, "we don't have any channels for her to be brainwashed into certain products with."

You don't need TV, dear sister. She gets it from her friends at school. Trust me on this one. *sigh*

I am getting very tired of constantly saying:

"I know that's what your friend's family does, but our family doesn't do that."

"I'm sorry, but Mommy and Daddy have veto power over Santa's gifts and we won't let him bring you that. I don't care what your friend got for Christmas last year."

"That's wonderful that your friend has Butterscotch. Nevertheless, you can't have Butterscotch. You can't have S'mores, either."

"You are too young for make-up and nail polish. It doesn't matter if that it's OK with your friend's parents. I'm sure that is the best decision for their family. It is not the best decision for our family."

"You are not going to get (merchandise of the week) just because your friend has one. If you get one it will be because you need one. Stop asking!"


Cannwin said...

I love it when you talk about my blog on your blog. :) it makes me feel special. hehehe

My darling daughter really does blow me away and I'm a little surprised she didn't put 'laptop' on her list.

I LOVE the new layout... I'm completely jealous now. Where on earth did you find it?

Jennifer said...

It's called Notepad Chaos and I was just searching around for free blogger templates and ran across it. I am still tweaking to get it just the way I want it, but I love it. :)

Jennifer said...

Specifically, I found it here.