Funny Things My Kids Have Said #2789

The context: It had been a long day and she was tired.

Oldest Girl Child: (sobbing)

Mommy: Honey, what's wrong?

OGC: I don't want my hair to change!

Mommy: What?

OGC: When I get old! My hair will lose its color! (increased sobbing)

Mommy: (goes into a long and rather frantic explanation of hair coloring techniques, the beauties of graying hair, and a rather sheepish explanation that it's simple vanity that has me coloring my gray)


The context: None. This came out of the clear blue sky for no reason that I can discern whatsoever.

Youngest Girl Child: (cheerfully bouncing on the bed) I'm never going to move out! When I grow up I'm going to live with you, Mommy, until I'm dead! Dead, dead, dead!

Mommy: (thinking that she's going to get a nasty shock on her 18th birthday if she doesn't grow out of this idea pretty quickly)