Vintage Photo Friday

Emanuel Lupkin, the cute little guy in this newspaper clipping, grew up and had a band. He's the guy standing up on the left. We don't know what the name of the band was, or what kind of music it played (my husband says, "1920s kind of music.") We do know that they did a certain amount of traveling, and that Emanuel played the violin. That seems to be an L and a B on the front of the music stands (? Podiums?)

I have hopes of someday finding an old newspaper article that will give us lots of information about them. We have another side of the family that was musically inclined, and we have information about them from just such a source. I'll post a photo of them next Friday.

To see other vintage photos check out Paper Dolls for Boys.


Natalie said...

This photo is great. Manny had a band...what a cool cat.